Asia Pacific Psoriasis Treatment Market Outlook (2018 to 2032)
The above chart is Asia Pacific Psoriasis Treatment Market Outlook (2018 to 2032)
Market Dynamics
asia pacific is becoming an increasingly important region in the psoriasis treatment market. psoriasis is a non-contagious, inflammatory skin disease with a wide range of symptoms and treatment that can vary from topical creams to systemic medications. in order to effectively manage psoriasis, physicians recommend an integrative approach which includes lifestyle modifications, topical treatments, systemic agents, and phototherapy.
the growth of the asia pacific psoriasis treatment market is mainly driven by the high prevalence of psoriasis in countries like china, japan, south korea and india. in addition, increasing awareness of the condition and its treatments, supportive regulations, and availability of newer and more effective drugs are all creating a favourable environment for market growth.
at present, topical treatments remain the most commonly used treatments for mild psoriasis. topical corticosteroids and combination antifungal/corticosteroid combinations (tca) are the most widely prescribed drugs. however, several innovative therapies are becoming available in the market, such as topical calcineurin inhibitors (tcis) and topical retinoids. these treatments are less toxic and have fewer side effects compared to traditional therapies.
furthermore, biosimilars and biologics are becoming increasingly important components in the psoriasis treatment landscape. several biologics, such as etanercept, adalimumab, and ustekinumab have been approved for treating moderate to severe psoriasis. moreover, the combination of biosimilars and existing medication allow for greater patient convenience and cost efficiency, thus creating more options for physicians and patients.
in addition, technological advancements such as laser therapies and photodynamic therapy (pdt) are emerging as popular treatments for psoriasis. this is due to their increased efficacy in treating difficult-to-treat forms of psoriasis and the relatively low risk of side effects.
looking ahead, the asia pacific psoriasis treatment market is poised for steady growth over the coming decade, with demand increasing for more effective and safer treatments. in addition, the introduction of more innovative therapies and biosimilars in the market are expected to further drive market growth.